Hippocrates, the father of medicine, remarked, "A physician without a knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician.
Doctors studied astrology and the body until the 18th century, even though Hippocrates was born around 640 B.C.
Charts were created quickly when patients became unwell. The chart showed when the crisis will occur and what drug was most effective, helping the doctor diagnose and treat.
Astrology is no longer used by 20th-century Western doctors to treat illness. Astrology can still improve our physical health.
Hermetic Theory, an ancient Egyptian-Greek philosophical science that thought the human and the universe are one, links the zodiac signs to body parts and ailments.
Aries, Leo, Sagittar Diet and Health TipsAries: Use your energy for HIIT, rock climbing, or competitive sports.
Hydrate and eat protein-rich snacks on your trips. Impulses can lead to bad choices.