Zodiac Signs View Friends Like Family

While anybody can bond, astrologer Stina Garbis says certain zodiac signs excel at treating friends like family.  

These friends resemble big sisters. You grow close and codependent with them since they're always there for you.  

Garbis says these sisterly zodiac signs rule a partnership or friendship house.  

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It makes kids closer to their buddies, so they feel like siblings. Friends who know your secrets, provide the best wedding speeches, and are there when you need them.   

Like sisters, you bicker or become upset, but then you forget and raid each other's wardrobes for clothes.  

An astrologer lists the three zodiac signs that treat friends like family.It's easy to forget your Cancer BFF isn't related.   

Garbis says this water sign will call your mom their mom and attend all significant events like birthdays and holidays at your house.   

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